Sunday, May 31, 2015

Who was Charlotte Teggart?

Came with Bishop Restarick.
School receptionist and treasurer
Office was in the annex of the Pro-Cathedral
Personal assistant to Sister Albertina until her death
Then what happened to her???


From 1900 Census, San Diego, CA
Father - William H. Teggart, age 60, born April 1840, lemon shipper/pkg
Wife -  Anna Teggart, age 57,  born May 1843 (married 37 years)
Children: Charlotte, age 28, born Apr 1872, unemployed
Isabell, age 27, born Jul 1972 (donʻt know how this is possible since Charlotte was born in April)
Hellen E, age 24, born Sep 1875, school teacher
Charles, age 23, born Apr 1877, canʻt read what it says for occupation
Frank, age 20, born Aug 1879, lemon farmer
Marion L, age 16, born Jun 1883

Family immigrated to US in 1890

From 1910 Census, San Diego, CA
Anna Teggart is now head of the household, age 65, not working
Charlotte, 35, single, teacher (this would make her birth year 1875 - WRONG)
Isabell, 30, single, not working (this would make her birth year 1880 - WRONG)
Marion 25, single, teacher (this would make her birth year 1885 - KINDA CLOSE)

So they all lie about their age!  Or someone didnʻt bother to really ask.

From 1920 Census - Honolulu, Emma St.
Charlotte is head of the house, age 48, single
There are 20 former Priory students living in the dorm under her supervision (including my great aunt Emma K. Pollock)  They are all working in Honolulu as teachers, stenographers, and typists
Jessie Madison (the school principal at the time), 39, single, teacher, is also listed as a supervisor for some girls.  Her parents were from England, but Jessie was born in New York.

From passenger list of the S.S. City of Los Angeles in 1925 that departed Honolulu on 9 May and arrived in Los Angeles on 15 May:
Charlotte Teggart
Age: 53, Single
Birthdate:  22 April 1872   Belfast, Ireland
Naturalized citizen through her father
Address 1319 EMMA St., HONOLULU - (this was one of the dorms for Priory graduates who were working but not married, probably where Cluett Apartments is now)

From 1930 Census - Honolulu, 1319 Emma St.
Charlotte is 58, living with Gladys Pearce, a 51 year old divorced Chinese-Hawaiian woman, and her daughter (also named Gladys), age 24, single.  Both Gladyses work as public school teachers.  Charlotte is listed as a "lodger" and as having no occupation.  She is probably retired???  This is the year that Sister Albertina died on 20 July.  Census was in 5 April, so she was no longer working, even before that.
*NOTE:  Same census sheet lists all of the current Priory boarders.

From gravestone at Oahu Cemetery:  give her birth year as 1866 (no way thatʻs correct) and death date as 1951.  No other information.

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